Staff Picks Series
Little Shop of Horrors (Director’s Cut)
MONDAY, OCTOBER 10, 2022 | 7:15PM
Little Theatre 5 – The Jack Garner Theatre
(Inside Little 2-5, at approx. 8 Winthrop Street)
A nerdy florist’s “mean green mother” of a monster plant is the center of “the looniest, nuttiest, most outrageous movie musical comedy in years” (Jeffrey Lyons, Sneak Preview). Rick Moranis, Steve Martin, Ellen Greene, Bill Murray and other comedy greats star.
Picked by: Adam Lubitow, Projectionist
For fans of: Beetlejuice, Clue, Attack of the Killer Tomatoes!, The Muppets Take Manhattan, Dreamgirls
1 hour 34 minutes | Musical/Comedy | 1986 | PG-13
Directed by Frank Oz

The Little’s Staff Pick series is a grab bag of the mysterious, the fun, and the purely awesome. Each staff member has selected a movie to recommend — no genre or era is off limits. This series is the modern equivalent of stepping into your favorite video rental store, and seeking a film you’ll swoon over. These are favorites from our Little staff, but hopefully they’ll become your new favorites as well.
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