“Drawings & Stuff” by John C. Mariner
August 28 to Sept. 30, 2024
Location: The Little Theatre Cafe
Closing Reception: Sunday, Sept. 8 @ 2pm-4pm
Hours: Cafe Open Hours (see

Artist Statement:
Born in Redwood City, California on 10 December 1951. I was the
first from our family to be born west of the Mississippi, a fact my
mother insisted explained so much about me. I moved to New
York at the age of ten and eventually studied art at SUNY College
at Buffalo, graduating in 1974 with a BS in Education.
I have made art throughout my life and can finally devote my full
attention to it. My work borrows strongly from traditional graphic
design, pastiche, and other 20th Century artistic sensibilities–only
my tools have changed.
I have always been interested in numbers, letters, and symbols,
and use these elements alongside popular imagery. Some have
political and social leanings, though many are truly just representative of my experiences, and my observation of the collective experiences of my generation.
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