From the Inside Out – David F. Burke
Oct. 1-31, 2023
Location: The Little Theatre Cafe
Reception: 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. Sunday, Oct. 1, 2023
Hours: Cafe Open Hours (see

My artwork is mostly inspired by nature, and by the luminous experience of my senses. My connection to nature is a source of transcendental bliss, as are the emotions and memories
that my senses invoke from my unconscious mind, and perhaps from the Collective Unconscious. I try to recreate that feeling of communion between my self and the reality beneath the manifest world through my art, using shape and color, motion and brush strokes.
My goal in creating art is to make the viewer experience some kind of emotion, as well as to share my sense of wonder about the universe around and within us. Over the last few years I’ve been experimenting more with abstract expressionism and intuitive painting. I want to experiment with different ways of expressing my artistic inclinations, and push myself to evolve beyond what I’ve already done. – David F. Burke, Sept. 2023
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