ON DISPLAY IN NOVEMBER 2023 | The Mad Printers group, based in Rochester, NY, was founded to address and support those artists using printmaking as part of their creative practice.
“From the Inside Out” – David F. Burke
“From the Inside Out” recent works from David F. Burke | October 2023 | Opening reception: 2pm to 4pm Sunday, Oct. 1
“Portals & Planes” – Pictures by Paul Dodd
“Portals & Planes” Pictures by Paul Dodd | Aug. 29 to Sept. 26 |
Opening reception: 2pm to 4 pm Sunday, Sept. 10, with short musical performance.
“Studio 460 at The Little” featuring Phyllis Bryce Ely, Maureen Church, Anne McCune, and Patrice McPeak
Painters Phyllis Bryce Ely, Maureen Church, Anne McCune, and Patrice McPeak from Studio 460 at The Hungerford share new works that celebrate the Genesee River and other meaningful connections
The Arena Art Group 2023
On Display June 28 to July 24, 2023.
Kathy Farrell: Black and Blue Drawings
On display May 31 to June 26.
Laura Wilder
On display through May 29, 2023. Laura has been a Roycroft Renaissance Artisan specializing in block printing for over 25 years. The prints are created by doing a separate hand-carving for each color, and printing the inked carvings on an antique hand-cranked letterpress.
“Winona Boulevard” – Howard Beatty
Oil on canvas art show from Howard Beatty. On display March 29 to April 24, 2023. Artist reception is 2:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. Sunday, April 16.
“Thread – Art of Seven Decades” – Peter Monacelli
ART EXHIBIT"Thread - Art of Seven Decades" by Peter Monacelli March 1-28, 2023Location: The Little Theatre CafeReception: 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. Sunday, Mar. 5, 2023 (with music from The Margaret Explosion)Hours: Cafe Open Hours (see thelittle.org)Artist Statement: Art...
“Finding The Stillness” – Cynthia Cowley Folkins
“Finding The Stillness” by Cynthia Cowley Folkins; On display in The Little Cafe Feb. 2-27. Artist reception: 2 p.m. to 4 pm Sunday, Feb. 5.
Steve Justice
January 2023 Featured Artist in The Little Cafe: Steve Justice.
Field Trip Visions III
Field Trip Visions III is an art exhibition by four Artist/Educators. Zanne Brunner, Judy Gohringer, Courtney Gruttadauria and Nancy Valle created abstract paintings and prints responding to a variety of personal interests, some familiar and some new.
“A Diverse Brush” – Richard Jenks
Past and present paintings by Richard Jenks. On display in The Little Cafe Oct. 26 to Nov. 28, 2022. Opening reception Sunday, Oct. 30.
“The Way Through” by Kathleen Hanney
Paintings by Kathleen Hanney. On display at The Little Cafe throughout October.
“Point Unending” by Todd Beers and Margaret Abell
Featuring the artwork of Todd Beers and Margaret Abell. The show will run from August 31 through September 26 with an opening reception on September 11 from 2-4pm. This exhibit will feature paintings and ceramic wall pieces.